Ridingboots, raincoat, crimson lips, long screws and cigarette, so I educate you today to my puny, wanking ashtray! You will also need a cigarette for…
Part 3:what is going on with your slave loyalty? When you wank off you like to promise a lot of things; yes, I will call you everyday; yes, I only can…
Today I have a painful task, according to the motto: suffering for the only true woman in your life: Your Mistress. Therefore there is a plain slavery…
Now your booty is due, slavery! A few deep puffs and you are an unwilling victim. The experienced mistress Lady Vampira has already cleaned and opened…
Today my fresh slave gets a briefing on Slavery 101. The poor one is still fairly new, has no idea what to expect and is incredibly nervous. He learns…
Youve dissappointed your gf in the bedroom at every chance and Vivien has had enough! You no longer deserve to touch her toned figure, her taut ass or…