Teaching Steve A Lesson – Headlock And Sleeperhold August 15, 2020 4 scenes grabbed from the video Teaching Steve a Lesson, headlock and sleeperhold.
Holds From Hell Ii – 4 Ways Arm Gasps April 26, 2020 Lizs imagination has not limit when it comes to torture her opponent.... 4 ways to apply an arm-choke!!!
Tomiko Humiliates Steve – 4 Holds November 22, 2019 4 Abjecting, painful and inescapable holds grabbed from the video Tomiko Humiliates Steve ! See Steve stuck in some original holds while Tomiko is…
She Means It – Hand Over Mouth October 25, 2019 2 scenes grabbed from our video She means it!. Hand Over Mouth.
No Mercy Beatdown – Vicious Armbar September 27, 2019 A 2 minutes long scene grabbed from the movie No mercy beatdown showing one of Jennifers favorite move...A VICIOUS ARMBAR, nearly dislocating Steves…
Holds From Hell Iii – Combo Armbar Figure 4 Throttle September 27, 2019 A head-figure 4 smother combined with an armbar, elbow hyper extented and twisted fingers and wrist! She is evil!!
Skylar’s Dummy – Combo Sleeperholdbody Scissor May 31, 2017 Perfect inescapable combo hold!! Steve has no chance to get out of this one!!
Holds From Hell Ii – Foot Gasp Elbow Dislocator May 25, 2017 The more he attempts to get out of it and the more she applies pressure on his arm, almost dislocating his elbow and shoulder!!! Then a foot crushing…
Holds From Hell Ii – Front Crossed Hip Choke April 14, 2017 Poor Steve is gasping for air in this fresh hold from hell!! Her ankles are passed behind his neck while she presses one thigh on his throat, using…
Wrestling Assessment – Armbars February 18, 2017 Compilation of 4 scenes from the video Wrestling Assessment starring Skylar Rene. 4 effective and painful armbar!
Maria Vs Steve – Rear Naked Choke Holds February 4, 2017 Compilation of arm-choke and sleeper-hold grabbed from the movie Maria vs Steve starring beautiful fitness girl Maria! Despite that she is new into…
Holds From Hell Iii November 25, 2016 This fresh hold consists of laying on his back, pinning him on the mats with one arm locked between her thighs, then she can apply headlock and Hom…
Ariel’s Holds – The Special November 25, 2016 We let Ariel determine what hold she would like to apply to finish our serie Ariels Holds and she came up with...this one wich is difficult to name...…
Annihilated By Mistress Kara – Headlocks And Rnc May 31, 2016 Steve has Mistress Karas 14 in biceps packaged around his neck and he is desperately trying to get out of it!! 5 scenes grabbed from the video…
Holds From Hell Weight Reverse Foot Choke May 10, 2016 Probably one of her most sadistic move... using her calves to choke him under her full weight... Steve is agonizing!!