Katelyn talks to her paramour on the phone who is on his lunch break while she unawarely crushes about half of a shrunken city under her nude feet. They talk about weekend plans and when they get off the phone shes shocked at the harm shes caused to the shrunken city below. Looks like some kinds of experiment turned into a disaster and theres no worse place than Katelyns for a vulnerable shrunken city because she loves demolishing them! She wishes theyd end up in her house more often! Katelyn proceeds to demolish the city, knowingly, downright predominant and degrading it. She even finds a group of soldiers who she thinks were planning to attack her to save the city- she takes them all out in less than a 2nd under her big bare foot. Her stomps get faster and faster near the end until nearly all the buildings are destroyed. She then finishes off the last few buildings by ripping them apart with her hands. She wants to make sure nothing and no one is left as she doesnt want to have to explain any shrunken people who may escape into her house. Once she thinks shes done she leaves to go sunbathe but on the way out she notices one last building. She has no mercy. She completely destroys the last building within seconds with her powerful hands. Note: This video is shot close up and from the sides of Katelyns feet as she walk crushes and flat foot stomp crushes the paper cup city. There is no foot play or toe pointed crushes.