Kendra James as the Baroness, a supervillainsuperheroine on a mission with her colleagues Amadahy, Alexis, and Barbara to establish real, total, financial female dominance. And what better place to begin than that bastion of largely masculine mis-management, the U. S. Congress?In the opening, Kendra dresses ? smoothing her brassiere, running her forearms over her assets, adjusting her stockings, twirling her heel ? while preparing for her femme fatale temptation of Congressman Boner. She briefs Boner on the fact that shes discovered not only a pattern of wayward spending ? but of massive purchases of fetish items using his individual and government accounts. Having enslaved him to her incredible gams and feet, the Baroness proceeds to trample him into subjugation, grinding her high-heeled slippers cruelly into his head while mocking him both for his misdeeds, and by how easy it was to dominate him. While shes doing this, shes taking over all his accounts, personal and congressional, using her mobile phone. You trampled the country, she notes. Now Im trampling you ? fiscally, personally, literally, and figuratively.Once all thats done, the Baroness is bored, and realizes, its time. She places Boner on the ledge of his overpriced, taxpayer-financed luxury penthouse, poking at him a few last times with her feet and heels. The same instruments that led him to misappropriate the publics money have lured him into enslavement and now, those feet and heels, covering the endless legs of Kendra James, are going to be the instruments of his destruction. Youre on the any last words? Very well, Kendra says: Time to send OVER the fiscal CLIFF. Just one more nudge from her pretty heels, FOOT WORSHIP, LEG WORSHIP, PANTYHOSE DOMINATION, FEMME FATALE, FEMALE ASSASSIN, HIGH HEELS.