ON YOUR KNEES FOR MY KIND OF A Smooch! Hows the view from down there? Joey asks! I like it when youre on your knees! OK so, tell you what! Ill give you kind of a smooch. You ready? Get closer! Drools IN YOUR FACEThere! My kind of a smooch! You like that? You want another one? I think you do! Drools IN YOUR FACEI almost got you in the eye right there! Joey says sniggering! So dont just sit there! Do something! Here! Eat my foot! she says touching the bottom of her shoe against your UGLY SPITTY GOOEY face! After you do a good job gobbling the bottom of her dirty shoe she prizes you with another Smooch! MULTIPLE SPITS TO YOUR FACEYour face almost looks normal now covered with all my spit! WOW! It must of been pretty bad before if you look good with SPIT on your face! Joey goes on a rant brutally insulting and humiliating you to no end Youre so boring you have nothing to say. Youre just there on your knees, looking like crap with my SPIT on your face! Which makes you look a bit better by the way. Youre kind of pathetic. Youre actually REALLY pathetic. What would you do? Just sit there and, and have me spit on you? You lick up my shoe for christ sake! Whats wrong with you? Ok Ok just one last one FOR YOU! A MUST OWN SPITTING CLIP THAT WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND! GET ON YOUR KNEES BEFORE OUR YOUNG 18YR OLD BRAT AND PREPARE TO BE HUMILIATED AND DEGRADED INTO NOTHINGNESS! JOEYS VERSION INCLUDES ANOTHER SPIT TO YOUR FACE! ITS A GREAT OUTDOOR SCENE! WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND GETTING THIS ONE! ITS WORTH IT!