Today at DungeonRoma I have my little hoe ready to love me in a cigarette break. I have her tightly corded in the head table, and she is enormously awkward and Im going to enjoy making her suffer. As I flick my ash into her mouth, and blow my smoke in her face, she coughs and chokes. However, she doesnt keep her mouth open enough. So I quickly fix that by placing a tight o-ring gag on her mouth. As she struggles to breathe, I continue to enjoy my cigarette. Finally, I decide to give her a little extra treat. After removing her gag and restraints, I lay her on her back. She must keep that mouth of hers open wide, as I fill it with a pile of old cigarette ends. I laugh as she gargles and chokes on the contents of her Ashtray Lunch .
Worship Old Dirty And Intense Smelling Ugg Boots Eventually beautyful weather again. Time to get out all the skimpy swimsuits and ...
Ueberwealtigt Und Betubt Wie von einer TOPAGENTIN wirst du betubt und gedem habe dich in eine Falle .
Humiliation 49 Arabian indignity! Mohamed must imitate one of his fair-haired mistresss Bizarr ...
Christballs Under Plateau Heels Lady B is wearing her sweet plateau High-heeled shoes. She crush many wonderful ...
You Shouldn’t Jerk Off Mistress Zora will now see you suffer ruthlessly! She wears amazingly hot pants ...
Secret Crushing Of Toys – Part 1 Milas neighbor is a sultry truck fucktoy collector. He even showcased her the ...
Defenseless Under Her Nylon Ass Jacky uses the slave as a seat pad for her hot nylon ass today as she wants to ...
Murderotica’s House Party Part 1 5 Doll's SITTING ON 1 SKINNY BOY! FIVE Lady's USE A SKINNY BOY AS THEIR COUCH ...
Manuela’s Furniture This slave is hardly worth anything to Manuela - so she decides to only use him ...
Hard And Severe Punishment After my property and wielded slave Yunus has caused a big mistake for the very ...