Gianna knocked at my door for Halloween but it seems that I was just not ready for this fever! This beautiful nurse was expecting some candies from me but I was truly sorry because I had nothing to suggest. I thought she would understand such a thing but it seems like she was fully mad about me! She thrusts me on the floor then tells me that an old boy like me need too understand the Halloween fever! She makes me take her boots off then downright throttle my face against the wall with her sweaty striped black and white socks! She has been walking all day with those boots so the smell was indeed strong! She makes me take some deep breaths in her socks and stick my tongue out to eat the sweaty bottom of her socks! She also makes me gag on her toes to suck her sweat from her delicious socks! Gianna seems to love to humiliate me with her smelly feet at this time so she also makes me take her socks off and caress them all over my face with her sweaty naked feet! She makes me take some deep breaths in her feet and stick my tongue out to lick the sweaty bottom of her soles! They tasted a bit salty because of her sweat but it seems like I just had no choice to lick and clean them! I wont blame her. A beautiful nurse like Gianna deserves all the candies in the world! What a sexy Brat! Youll love this girl! Happy Halloween folks!
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