You belong to me now. And Ill train you exactly the way I want. From now on what I say matters. Your wishes and desires will be put in the background, because from this moment on my wishes and desires will come very first. I will make you to my little nylon bitch. To my nylon marionette, who will do everything to be permitted to sniff my nylon feet. As if it is your Elexier of life. As if you couldnt live without my nylon feet. And you cant. Because I know exactly how much you adore my nylon feet. How much you love me. And I take shameless manhandle of that. Even if you have to renounce certain luxuries and things just to make my wishes come true. Just so that my desires will be pleased. And you accept that of course. Because you know very exactly that if you have done your job good and fulfill my wishes, you will be well recompensed with my horny nylon feet. With my nylon feet and their goddess smell. And maybe you will be permitted to rubdown them if you have been plucky and have done your job well as my own little nylon marionette. So make yourself useful right now, buy the movie and order something from my wishlist. Come on, what are you waiting for?!