Oh my! What just happened there?Right when you eyed my You know what I mean! You got a pulsing in your pants didnt you? Felt your bod wake up at the glance of my feet?Wow! You are something else you know that? I have always been amazed at how much you are fascinated by my You know, before I entered the fetish world I always used to wonder why people like you would be fascinated by the view of my puckered white feet. I mean, theyre just there and functional for me to pad around. But when I witnessed just how confused they make you it made me giggle. I mean, c No normal person can be so easily controlled by feet can they?I guess that means youre not normal right? And I guess youd be thinking I would just tell you to shut up and normal up right?Fat chance! No! I want to make you helplessly addicted to my I want you to beg for my feet to eclipse your world on a daily basis. I want you to fall even deeper in your weird lust for these feet. It makes me giggle. And you like to see me smile dont you? Even if its at your .
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