Serve me. Under my feet is the begin of your transformation to a lovely paypiggy, sissy, footslave or whatever. Petite gifts increase the chance to ascend to the next level. With crimson plows, hot nylon gams, sexy Crimson High High-heeled shoes, Red full lips, a unique Asmr-voice I will bring you again this time around your mind. In this Asmr-video Wear headphones for maximum enjoyment! You get to do with sexy handmoves... oh oh... there you will probably completely free and will give you without will. My fingers solve trancige feelings with you and my dummy microphone worries the rest. Do you know the endlessly cool sk sk sk sk sk sk sound? No? But you should! You will love it and you will worship as if by itself my horny middle finger! You will feel my hot breath... very close to your slave-ears... very close. Become my slave, so much so that I can only get what I want from you with my voice.
Lady Xenia – The Brutal Teacher 2tvmov today we present the 2nd part of the 2parted feature with lady xenia providing ...
Charlotte’s Sweaty Feet Charlotte also knows about your strong addiction to smelly feet, and she thinks ...
Our Sexy Gothic Model Miss Arella Extreme High... Extreme full bod trample, extreme face trample, brutal cock and balls trample, ...
Ninas Smother Session Wild girl Nina punishes her slave because he was very off-hand! Watch how she ...
Smell Stinky Socks Svenja cannot get enough of wicked indignity. After the loser has already ...
Die Sissy Wird Ausgepeitscht Wie auf meiner Webseite angekndigt, habe ich das Wochenende vom 24. 03 in ...
Sklavenaufgabe Nr 5 – Thema Demtigung Du darfst dich wieder auf eine neue demtigende Aufgabe von der Herrin freuen, ...
Mistress Gaia – Golden Silk Smother Today I have a slave in the strangle bench, he is tightly corded and cant ...
Eat From My Feet Only a crushed meal is a good slave meal. With my bare feet I prepare a delicacy ...
Mistress Ashley Sparxx – Waitress 10 Hour... Ashley Sparxx just got home from a LONG work shift. she is in her work uniform ...