Today I have a slave in the strangle bench, he is tightly corded and cant escape. I have also used a pair of my used shiny silk pantyhose to put him in a very taut stocking mask. Of course he can breathe. However, Im going to make it a little more difficult for him. As his head is immobile nice and taut, with limited movement. I have full control over him. I begin to taunt him with some hand gestures, then I quickly smother him with some hand over mouth. As I apply the pressure, his gasps for air are useless. I also hold his nose as he squirms and tries to move his head from side to side to escape. Im having so much fun with my slut as he suffers and gasps for air. Maybe Ill keep him there all day to suffer in his golden silky mask. Breathe in for .
Butt Hugging Black Dress Watch me wiggle and jiggle my big 46 butt in your face.
Dunefeet Special Video No 298 Pantyhose Biatch Two lovely ladies have joy with small Bambina. Russian girl Nicolina and her ...
You’re Finished Part 1 Open your eyes broad and stroke your stiffy, tiny man because will be last time! ...
Taking Out The Trash Kate is so beautiful, she is divine perfection! -Madman1rugKate makes some moron ...
Trampled By Saskia New Girl 19 yo Saskia tramples the guy with sneakers and her bare FILMED by her ...
Sockensuchti 3 Du kleine eklige Drecksau kniest schon wieder mit gierigem offenen Maul vor mir ...
Cassandra’s Virtual Nylon Footjob –... Cassandra is kind of in a horny mood today and she knows how bad you are ...
Just How Far Would You Go For My Pretty Feet Includes - blackmail -humiliation tasks - abjecting tasks - entrapment - ...
Valentine’s Day Cuckolding There is a day upcomming that will drive losers like you crazy! On Christmas and ...