Dem wiederspenstigen Gaul werden heute manieren beigebracht. Um ihn ruhiger und gefgiger zu machen werden ihm heute die lstigen Mnnlichkeitsmerkmale entnommen! Damit der Gaul sich auf das wesentliche Konzentrieren kann,nmlich auf seine neuen Herrinen. Vllig verwahrlost kam er zu uns. Es bedarf wirklich viel Arbeit aus ihm ein ordentliches Reittier zu formen.
Five Pairs Shoes And Barefoot Trampling The doll decided to try on five pairs of her shoes on my chest and trample ...
After The Ass Clean The Strap-on Im gonna run my arse slave through hard now. My belt cock dick is already fairly ...
Vera – Smoking And Boot Worship Vera smokes a cigarette and uses her slave Alex as a human ash-pot. She put an ...
I Will Step On You Tiny Man Hey there, little fellow! Dont run away - I wont hurt you,! g Oops, I ...
Peanut Butter And Jelly This is a custom-made video request: I am placing peanut butter on my left foot ...
Monica’s Absolute Controlsion Wow! This chick is so fuckin hot! She makes me sick! Monica likes to rest her ...
Kat – My Human Sink Kat sits on the bed and cleans the teeth. She uses Alex as a human bury. Kat ...
Barefoot Kicking 9 Because he has read child comic strips secretly Richie gets Melady of his ...
My Human Ashtray Spittoon 768×576 Observe me humiliate this loser. I use him as is my human ashtray and spittoon. ...
Antidote 7 The nurses from the hell, Joss and Sonny, are the cure for the hangover. This ...