What a damn horrible day! Ester is pretty pissed right now. Shes stomping the floor with her boots in fury and shes just looking for something to break, to smash to crush! As shes walking around mad and furious, she notices you, a little lil' man on the floor. She starts to laugh at you: What a little man Youre so little! Hahaha I could kick you once and youd be gone!. She puts all her attention towards you. I could crush you Such a petite and insignificant little dwarf. Do you want me to crush you plane?!. She plays with you and releases her anger by tormenting and abjecting you. And youre totally hopeless. Shes so big and so strong compared to you. She wants to hellion you, to trample you over and over and let you fear this time is gonna be the last time. So how do you want to be crushed? Should I trample you? Barefoot or in my high boots? Or maybe I could crush you with my butt, hmm?. Shes so big and dangerous and shes also so furious she might not even care whether you live or not. As youre hopelessly standing on the floor getting crushed and trampled by her yam-sized feet over and over, you just beg her not to do it but shes having so much joy right now. Shes not gonna stop any time soon. Not end.