Morning is here and Ivet doesnt want to get up yet. Shes laying in her bed with her feet sticking out of the blanket and she just dont want to get up yet. Her nude feet are so sexy and she plays with them, fondling then on the other until she determines she indeed have to get up. Ivet very first goes to the bathroom to wash up after sleep and then she takes a foot lotion and she starts to put it on her naked feet and she massages it in with slow moves of her palms over all of her legs and feet. She didnt even got the time to dress up yet so shes sitting on the sofa in her underwear, taking care of her feet. Dropping loads of lotion on her feet and legs and you can closely watch it all, her feet and soft soles very up close. After shes done, Ivet is rubbing her feet on one another and she plays with them while resting on the sofa, almost teasing you with her feet, as if you were really there. And Ivet has the most soft feet of all girls. So sexy and very very soft.
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