Today our patient has returned to the clinic for further treatment. On his earlier visit we attempted to determine if circumcision was the reaction to his lil' stiffy not responding to stimulation. We also gave him some hypnotizing therapy to see if it would help. Today we will proceed his treatment. We will mesmerize him and see if we can get some results. I take some details from him, and my assistant takes over to mesmerize him. Once she has finished, together we begin to attempt to stimulate his little stiffy. We also have a large dildo that I use to show him whats required. I then tell him to open his mouth and shove it to the back of his throat, he can only gargle and choke as we both try to make his tiny cock become a throbber. Its working a little bit, and I allow him to touch his cock. Hes beginning to get excited from all the attention we are giving him. So I get a glass and tell him we are going to allow him to cum in the glass. Hes going to have a souvenir, and I tell him to open his mouth and order him to swallow his cum. What a lucky slut!! Although its only a half throbber, he is now cured and can enjoy the use of his tiny .
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